Meeting Rooms

Benson Memorial Library provides meeting room space as a public service. Use of meeting room space by an individual or group does not equal endorsement of the views or opinions of those utilizing the space. Meetings, events, or programs held in the library’s meeting rooms are considered public and open to all people wishing to attend.

Use of Rooms
Priority of Use:

  • Benson Memorial Library programs, events, and meetings.
  • Local government, educational institution, or non-profit organization programs, events, and meetings.
  • Business/commercial/for-profit programs, events, and meetings.
  • Individual citizens’ programs, events, and meetings.

Rooms may NOT be used for social purposes (private parties), to promote hate speech, or when in the judgment of the librarian any disorder is likely to occur including disturbances to library operation.

The library offers two rooms for public use:

  • Board Room - comfortably seats 10-15 people; overhead projector & HDMI access
  • Community Room - comfortably seats up to 50 people; overhead projector & HDMI access

Both rooms have access to a same-floor restroom and kitchenette sink, if needed. Accessible door access directly to the Community Room is available upon request. Groups using the overhead projector must supply their own computer.

Meeting rooms are free for public use UNLESS the answer to any of the following questions is YES:

  • Will there be any buying or selling of goods or services involved?
  • Will the meeting be used for sales promotion and/or the generation of revenue?
  • Are any fees charged to meeting participants?
  • If the answer to any of the above is YES, please fill out this form: Meeting Room Scheduling Form

Rooms are scheduled on a first-come-first-served basis and will be assigned in the order requests are made. Walk-in requests can be made in-person by asking about room availability at the circulation desk.

Reservations may be made by telephone or email and should go through the approval of the Executive Director.

Recurring meetings are not permitted to be scheduled more than two months in advance.

Individuals must be at least 18 years old to reserve a meeting room.

Cancellations or Denials
The Library reserves the right to cancel any reservation if the room is needed for library-sponsored events or meetings, with one week notice.

Upon adequate notice and for adequate reasons, the Librarian may revoke permission to use any meeting room.

Misuse of rooms shall result in cancellation of further use and may result in immediate termination of the meeting/event.

Infringement of the rules shall result in cancellation of further use and may result in immediate termination of the meeting/event.

The Librarian shall inform the Board of Directors of denials.

If use of a meeting room is denied, the group or individual may appeal to the Board of Directors within 14 days of the denial by writing a letter or email to the Executive Director requesting the denial be put on the monthly board meeting agenda.

The Library assumes no financial obligation for canceled programs.

Hours of Meetings
Meetings or events may be scheduled only during regular Library hours unless other arrangements have been made with the Executive Director of the Benson Memorial Library. After-hours access is contingent upon availability and approval by the Executive Director. Additional fees will be charged to a group using the space if meetings or events occur past regular library hours.

RENTAL FEE: Organizations required to pay rental fees will be determined by their responses to questions on the Scheduling Form. The rental fee is $25.

AFTER HOURS FEE: A fee of $30 per hour will be added for any meeting or event which occurs past regular library hours (Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday-Saturday 9am-5pm) and is required to be paid before the event.

CUSTODIAL SERVICE FEE: A fee of $25 for extra Custodial Service will be assessed if any room is left in a condition which would require more than normal cleaning.

If the group has to pay the rental fee, they must pay this fee plus a deposit for the custodial service fee and the after hours fee (if applicable) in advance. Once the event is over, the Executive Director will determine if the custodial service deposit is to be kept or reimbursed to the organization.


  • Groups may not restrict meetings to their own members; meetings held at the library are considered public meetings.
  • Alcoholic beverages and smoking on library property is prohibited.
  • An adult must attend and take responsibility for school age programs.
  • Groups using the room must pay any and all damage which may occur to Library property during the time of occupancy.
  • Groups must refrain from causing excessive noise which may be heard on the library’s main floor, in other basement rooms, or that may disturb normal library operations.
  • Advertising for programs and events is the responsibility of the group/individual. Any advertisements must clearly state that Benson Memorial Library is not sponsoring or endorsing the program, event, or any goods or services offered.

Group Responsibilities
Groups shall be responsible for any advance preparations for their meetings, including furniture setup and layout.
Groups shall be responsible for cleaning up the space after their meetings, including returning furniture to its original place.

The Library assumes no liability in the use of its facilities.
Use of the building must be in accordance with legal requirements including fire and safety regulations.

Revised by the Board of Directors July 18, 2023.